


The research programme “Territories, Communities and Exchanges in the Sino-Tibetan Kham Borderlands (China)” has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration, European Research Council (ERC), Support for frontier research (SP2-Ideas), Starting grant n° 283870.

It is hosted by the Centre d'études Himalayennes, at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)

For further information and any questions, please contact the Principal Investigator, Stéphane Gros

CEH - UPR 299
7 rue Guy Môquet
94800 Villejuif CEDEX
Tél : 01 49 58 37 36
Fax : 01 49 58 37 28

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17/05/2016 Final conference videos

The conference "Territories, Communities, and Exchanges in the Sino-Tibetan Borderlands" gathered twenty one speakers who presented their work during the two-days and a half conference, held at the International House of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. (Conference website:

Most of the presentations have been video recorded, and are now available for all to view.
To see the list of videos, visit the conference page on this site.